Four puppies from our "A Pride Of My Heart"-litter was rocking the rings 10th of semptember.
Our Bellnodie A Pride Of My Heart Hope "Aayla" attended the NDS in Gimo.
And this little princess did it awesome with Pernilla!
Aayla was BOB puppy under judge Sofie Krigholm! She had a lovely critique!
Go team Pernilla/Aayla!! Very proud! Congratulations!! to Pernilla and Jidde!

Mean while we had three puppies who attended SRRS/Södras speciality Show in Röstånga.
Judge for the day was Nada Nikolic, DK
First out was Bellnodie A Pride Of My Heart Lee "Rocky" in pet class with owner Johan.
(And Johan and Rocky suprised me since I didn't know they were coming! Talk about the best suprise of the day!! <3)
Rocky was placed as 2nd in the class today.
This was Johans first time in the ring, very proud of you!
Go team Johan/Rocky!!

Now it was time for Sandra and Bellnodie A Pride Of My Heart Rex "Rocky" to enter the ring in 6-9 months.
They did also great! This was also Sandras first time in the ring aswell for Rocky! Very proud of you!
Rocky 1st with HP and later 2nd best male puppy. Congratulations! Go team Sandra/Rocky!

Now it was time to me and Bellnodie A Pride Of My Heart Joy "Thyra" to enter the ring in 4-6 months.
Thyra behaved well just like her two brothers!
Thyra was 1st with HP and later 2nd best

Big thank you to Johan and Sandra for lovely company and I love to see "my" little puppies! You are awesome!
Below a photo of the two brothers <3

Congratulations once more to everyone!